Sapporo BreweriesBOHEMIA HOP and CHMELAŘSTVÍ, družstvo Žatec held a regular meeting with Czech hop supplieres from the Saaz region that took place on 22nd February 2019. Mr. Koie from the Sapporo Breweries and Mr. Hejduk from EAT delivered an actual market information and provided further traning of CCFS program for their suppliers. Main topics were traditionaly focused on a hop treatmen and CCFS news.

We were pleased to hear about the Sapporo Classic brand using Saaz hops that has recorded 18-year consecutive growth in a production.

Mr. Koie appreciated a good cooperation and growers efforts to work on CCFS program. PROBIOS Kounov from Rakovnik district was awarded as the best farm and supplier of hops in 207 and 2018.