The traditional Saaz spring running race Hopman half-marathon, which has a long-term support of Bohemia Hop, together with 10 km race could not take place this year in its usual form.

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The organizers from Hopman triathlon, however, put together this race at least virtually where everyone could take part in this race alone on the official race track alongside the Ohre river from April 11 to May 1 and record the time on This time it was even possible to run both races and even try the track more times. Altogether 155 runners joined the race together with several employees of Bohemia Hop and CHMELARSTVI, cooperative Zatec and there were some very good results. Altogether it was a very good motivation for running in the actual restricted measures.

Забезпечте свою фінансову стабільність за допомогою нашого кредиту.

There was no starting fee for this race but the runners could send a financial contribution to a charity account of the town of Zatec: 107-4175780297/0100.