Bohemia Hop is looking forward to meeting you at the Craft Brewers Conference 2023 in Nashville, TN, from May 7 to 10, 2023. Visit Bohemia Hop at CBC Booth #562 to learn about a wide range of Czech hop varieties and to find out how our hop products can help your business. Beside the trade show, Bohemia Hop is going to participate in a side CBC event called „Brewing Like Czechs Do“ organized by the Czech Embassy in Wahsington,DC.
This event will take place on Tuesday, May 9th 2023, starting from 2 p.m. in Music City Center. Thanks to Live Oak Brewing, Utepils Brewing and Green Bench Brewing who are going to kindly donate their Bohemian-style lagers all participants will have a great opportunity to taste local beers brewed with Czech ingredients.
Stick around for the hop samples, beers and talks with local brewers having been experienced with brewing „like Czechs do“!
We are looking forward to meeting you at CBC! Cheers, Bohemia Hop Team
Craft brewers and beer jounalists from USA and Canada visited Bohemia Hop on 28th March, 2023. The tour included introduction of Czech hop varieties, pellet processing line, cold storage, Hop Museum and tasting of beer from 4 Zatec microbreweries (Experimental Brewery of the Hop Research Institute, Pioneerbeer, U orloje and Sedmý schod).
Thanks for visit and support of the Ministry of Agriculture, General Consulate in Toronto and Czech Embassy in Washington, D.C.
We welcomed representatives of Serbian craft brewers in Žatec town on Monday, March 13 within the incoming mission organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. We presented our activities and our interesting supply of Czech hop varieties. Visit to warehouses and the processing line in our mother company CHMELERSTVI, cooperative Žatec went softly. The processing is limited and almost ended up due to poor harvest in 2022.
Serbia is affected by the German and Czech beer culture from a historical view, which is why lagers are widely stand. Lagers are mostly supplied by the big breweries operating there to the market. Craft breweries try to find a way in supplying other beer styles primarily top-fermented beers like Ale, IPA, NE IPA, APA, or others like Porter and Sour beers. You can also find the Pilsner in their offering. Czech hops well known in Serbia are Saaz as the fine aroma hops and flavor variety Kazbek.
According to the official report from UKZUZ from December 1st, the total hop production in the Czech Republic reached 4452 t. In comparison to the above-average crop 2021 the production decreased by 3 853,38 t (2021 harvest was 8 305,72 t), which is a decrease of 46,39 %.
The vegetation was marked by long dry periods with very high temperatures and only short periods of rain. Higher rainfall with few storms came only in the second half of August.This was already too late for the plant and cone development and it also complicated the harvest operations.
The alpha acid content of the Saaz variety in 2022 was lower than the long-term average but other Czech hop varieties recorded values around the long-term average or in some cases above it.
The development of the weather, alpha contents, the acreage of hop gardens, chemical protection of the hops during the vegetation period can be checked out in the Final hop report - crop 2022.
Read more: Czech Republic hop certification system introduced new hop variety and hop region codes