The Brewing Like Czechs Do is an event promoting Czech raw materials and technologies for the brewing industry and is mainly focused on Czech hop varieties. This even is supported by Czech state program PROPED subsidy and organized and sponsored by the Czech Embassy in Washington D.C.
In 2019, “Brewing like Czechs Do” took place in Denver as the official hospitality suit of the Craft Brewers Conference and Brew Expo America 2019 (April 8 – 12).
Bohemia Hop as a co-organizer of the event participated in collaboration with the Hop Research Institute and Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic. Hundreds of visitors from USA and international brewing industry gathered for the workshop and tasted beers with Czech experts. There were several beers on tap - Bohemian-Style lagers made in the USA and brewed with the original Czech hops, mainly using the unique fine aroma Saaz variety. The beers were brewed and supplied by the Live Oak, Port City Brewing Co. and Aslan Brewing Co.
The visitors had a great opportunity to learn more about raw materials and brewing equipment of the Czech origin. Traditional Czech hop varieties were prepared in collaboration with the procurement department of CHMELARSTVI, cooperative Zatec. Moreover, the Hop Research Institute presented samples of perspective hop varieties that are in a trial mode of growing for the time being. Some of these varieties should be registered within one year.
We would like to thank especially Mr.Petr Ježek from the Embassy and Mrs. Karolina Bartosova from the Ministry of Agriculture for the support, organization and easy going of the hospitality.
The Brazilian largest beer festival accompanied by the trade show focused on craft breweries took place March 13 – 15, 2019 in Blumenau, SC. Bohemia Hop participated in the trade show as an exhibitor and bearer of the Czech hop growing and trade tradition. Our stand we had together with other Czech companies related in the brewing industry (Contechin, Cheops, Atelier Tsunami, Hutira, Bragente) visited hundreds of visitors including representatives of the state of Santa Catarina, City of Blumenau and FECOMERCIO.
Apart from the trade show, several backing presentations organized by the Czech General Consulate were realized in pursuance of the PROPED subsidy from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture. Representatives of the Czech companies presented their companies as an integral part of the Czech brewing industry. Besides, Jan Podsednik from Bohemia Hop company delivered the information even about a decoction way of brewing beer and application of Czech hops.
Bohemia Hop (BH) in cooperation with the Hop Research Institute (HRI) in Zatec organized a gathering and educational session focused on the application of Czech hops in the brewing industry that took place on 28th March 2019. This event was great opportunity to introduce newly registered Czech hop varieties and to compare performences of Harmonie and Country hops in beer. Apart form this round of evaluation, the participants evaluated beers brewed with Kazbek, Saaz and Saaz Late hops.
The first year of a new beer competition called "The Kazbek Cup 2019" took place during the seminars parallelly. The judges evaluated 38 smaples of beer where 50% of Kabek hops was the minimum quantity used for hopping.
Results in a category of "Bottom Fementated Beer": 1st HarmoniKa Beer (microbrewery U Orloje - The Hop and Beer Tample in Zatec), 2nd 12 Kazbek Single Hop Beer (Volt Brewery), 3rd Rebel Drsoň (Měšťanského pivovaru Havlíčkův Brod).
Results in a category of "Top Fementated Beer":1st ExperimentAle (microbrewery U Orloje - The Hop and Beer Tample in Zatec), 2nd Kazbek Beer (Trilobit Brewery), 3rd Kazbek Ale (Experimental Brewery of the Hop Research Institute in Zatec)
Bohemia Hop in collaboration with the Czech Embassy in Washington and Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic organizes an educational and presentation gathering called "Brewing Like Czechs Do" (BLCD) taking place on April 9, 2019 in the Convention Center (Rm 102 - 106), Denver, CO, USA. The BLCD is an official sponsored event of CBC following on the same event organized at the CBC in Nashville in 2018.
The Beer Seal 2019 competition together with a beer fest in Budweiss (České Budějovice) took place the second week in February 2019. Bohemia Hop as a sponsor was represented by Tomas Roubik. Zdenek Rosa, Chairman of Bohemia Hop and Chmelarstvi, participated in the Beer Seal Award Ceremony.
245 breweries from 20 countries sent 1245 beer samples to be evaluated in 33 categories.
Sapporo Breweries, BOHEMIA HOP and CHMELAŘSTVÍ, družstvo Žatec held a regular meeting with Czech hop supplieres from the Saaz region that took place on 22nd February 2019. Mr. Koie from the Sapporo Breweries and Mr. Hejduk from EAT delivered an actual market information and provided further traning of CCFS program for their suppliers. Main topics were traditionaly focused on a hop treatmen and CCFS news.
We were pleased to hear about the Sapporo Classic brand using Saaz hops that has recorded 18-year consecutive growth in a production.
Mr. Koie appreciated a good cooperation and growers efforts to work on CCFS program. PROBIOS Kounov from Rakovnik district was awarded as the best farm and supplier of hops in 207 and 2018.